Minor Variations

Minor Variations

MV1: Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men - US Cadet Concept singles & Collectables Reissues


The most commercially successful US releases for Quo were in the late sixties with Pictures of Matchstick Men (#12) and Ice In the Sun (#70) making it into the Billboard charts. As such, there were various first pressings run for these releases, resulting in some minor label variations on the Cadet Concept label (which was owned by Chess Records).

I have listed these all at similar values on the discography pages. Let me know if you think any are particularly worthy at being priced at a higher or lower rate than the others.

Also, I have now added the Collectables reissues as I was surprised to find there are at least 3 label variations of that.

Company Sleeve

Version 1 (and 1b) - Discography Item 3177

Version 1

The centre cutout on my copy is misaligned. Note the Pye records credit running into the circular manufacturing text. There are variations of this one where the 'B' side title says "Gentleman" or "Gentlemen".

Version 2 (and 2b) - Discography Item 6799

Version 2

Note the thicker typeface and also the relocation of the "John Schroeder" production credit. There are variations of this one where the 'B' side title says "Gentleman" or "Gentlemen".

Version 3 - Discography Item 9545

Version 3

Similar to version 1, but a slightly different font. Also the song title and Pye credit is printed higher up the label and does not run into the circular manufacturing text.

Version 4 - Discography Item 9717

Version 4

Includes "W4KM-4956" under credits on right hand side.

Version 5 (Promo) - Discography Item 3179


The promo version - just for comparison. Includes the words "DJ COPY" and "Plug Side".

Collectables Reissue Version 1 - Discography Item 3178

Reissue Version 1

Small font for song title. 3 lines below band title including "John Schroeder" production credit

Collectables Reissue Version 2 - Discography Item 6174

Reissue Version 2

Large font for song title. 4 lines below band title including "John Schroeder" production credit

Collectables Reissue Version 3 - Discography Item 9696

Reissue Version 3

Wider font for song and band title. No lines below band title meaning the "John Schroeder" production credit has been moved to the middle right. The band title also drops the "THE". W

Page updated 28/01/20 with new version (4)
Page updated 04/06/20 with 3 "Collectables" reissues
Page updated 14/06/22 with B side title variations

Even more details (with 'B' side scans) are on my sister site here.


Here is a link to these items on the discography pages. Back to the Minor Variations index.

If anyone has any other variations or observations then please contact me so that I can add to this page.

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